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The conclusion that in most cases the parents are responsible in whole or in part for this emotional damage which they cause in their efforts to help. Never have such good intentions yielded such bad results. The explanations are many and valid. First of all parents try to transmit things values with such speed that in a very few years it goes from incorrect to useless. Their educational role which until today they could more easily project no longer has scope. This fact exposes and highlights even more the weakness of their emotional role. After all the latter was most often falsified under the guise of their educational mission.

How many parental cruelties and slights were not covered under the mantle of education Another reason e-commerce photo editing and not an excuse is the always incorrect and often competitive comparison of the achievements of their own life with that of their child. But the main if not the only justification in favor of the parents is that they too had parents. In other words it is a vicious and perpetual cycle of good intentions that hurt and castrate in a neverending series where the protagonists alternate in the role of victim and perpetrator. in favor of the parents the justification is that they too had parents. In other words it is a vicious and perpetual cycle of good intentions that hurt and castrate in a neverending series where the protagonists alternate in the role of victim and perpetrator.

The parents the justification is that they too had parents. In other words it is a vicious and perpetual cycle of good intentions that hurt and castrate in a neverending series where the protagonists alternate in the role of victim and perpetrator. In an attempt to gather and form all my negative impressions from the deadend intertwining of tenderness and cruelty of these relationships I found with all the risk of generalizations that the core of the evil is found paradoxically in a lack of generosity on the part of the parents which prevents them to manifest the only two things that a human not just a child needs and which it seems that when deprived of them a small person is in danger of never meeting them love and recognition.